Improve calcium and phosphorus absorption and reduce the need for supplementation.
From white to light brown powder
5.8% - 7.2%
54% minimum
Endo-1,3(4)-beta glucanasi100.000 U/kg
Endo-1,4-beta-xilanasi 1.100.000 U/kg
Alfa-amylase 20.000 KNU/kg
Endo-1,3(4)-beta glucanasi 35.000 FBG/kg
3-fitasi 680.000 PPU/kg
Alfa-arabinofuranosidase, Beta-glucosidase, Pectinase, Polygalacturonase, Pectin esterase, Beta-mannosidase, Alfa-galactosidase, Aspartic protease, Cellobiohydrolase, Beta-xilosidase, Endo-1,5 alfa-arabinase, Rhamnogalacturonase, Endo-1,4 beta-mannanase
calcium carbonate and wheat middling
150 – 500 g/ton of complete feed